The White and Green Bouquet


The White and Green Bouquet

from £35.00

Keeping it simple, this bouquet contains a white and green combination of seasonal flowers. Wrapped in our trademark hessian, aqua packed and placed in a smart bag. You can add a vase to your order from £10.

The first bouquet shown here is £100 and the second image is a £35 and a £90, third image is £70

** Due to the nature of working with a natural product, sometimes flowers can be substituted for other similar, suitable flowers, sympathetic to the style of the bouquet **

Bouquet Price:

Why not add a vase, card, chocolates or a little extra gift to your order? Flowers come ready arranged, in the vase (meaning no fuss or hassle for the recipient) and cards are filled with your message. To see our full selection, click here.